How Much Water Do We Need to Drink?

Whether you’re working in the yard or lying on the beach in the heat of summer, you are going to be sweating and you’re going to get thirsty. And while it’s tempting to reach for a cold beverage (of any kind), it’s a good idea to drink just plain water first.
The average adult human body is 50-65 percent water. The percentage is about 60 percent in men, 55 percent in women, 65 percent in children and about 75 percent in infants. That’s a lot of water and it needs to be replenished, because it turns out water does a lot for our bodies.
Bottom line, or should I say the water line, is that a lack of water leads to dehydration, and that’s not good.
People feel thirsty when they’ve lost 2-3 percent of their body’s water. But keep in mind that mental performance and coordination start to be impaired when about 1 percent of the body’s water is lost.
The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine recommends:
That amount varies depending on age, activity level and where you live. The good news is that these recommendations cover getting water from fluids, other beverages, and food. About 20 percent of daily fluid intake usually comes from food and the rest from drinks.
So what about that 8 glasses of water/day advice? Doctors say it’s a reasonable goal and it’s easy to remember. The best advice is to stay hydrated by drinking water and other fluids whenever you are thirsty.